An Overview Of School Council
School Council has the responsibility to determine the educational policy of the school, oversee grounds and buildings, ensure that funds coming into the school are budgeted for and expended properly, employ ancilliary staff and generally stimulate interest in the school.
Our Structure
Silvan Primary School Council currently consists of:
Teacher and Parent representatives are elected for a two year term. However, the terms of half the representatives overlap with the term of the other half by one year.
School Council meetings are held monthly, usually the second Wednesday in the month, in the school staffroom. They are the forum in which all members of the school community can meet to hear, discuss and formally act on any issues related to School Council duties and responsibilities. These meetings are open and can therefore by attended by any member of the school community, who may join in discussion. However, only School Councillors can vote on issues.
Participation on School Council is one of the most rewarding ways in which parents can be involved in their child’s education. Our dynamic Council is always happy to welcome new members, ideas and support.Silvan Primary School Annual Report 2019